we are now at he glorious White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou. Holy crap was it frustrating though. i can tell you this, i won't be flying Schinzhen Airlines anytime soon. the picture you see is Natalie trying to call someone and figure out why our flight was delayed almost an hour.
it just got worse from there. after finally boarding, we sat at the gate for another hour. of course, not speaking the native tongue, i could not get an explanation as to why we weren't leaving. once we got in the air and Natalie feel asleep, i moved up to one of the two empty seats in the exit row for more leg room. i was promptly told by the attendant that i had to move back to my original seat. no explanation again (other had moved around by the way, i wasn't the only one).
after i begrudgingly returned to my seat Natalie soon woke up and decided to use Amy and I as a jungle gym. she wanted to get out of there as badly was we did.
we eventually made it to the hotel at 10 pm, and hour past Natalie's bed time. We could tell that she was incredibly tired, but she wouldn't settle down. she just kept moving all about. when we tried to hold her or put her down a scream fest broke out. it was easily the most frustrating moment of my young parenthood.
Amy isn't feeling well by the way. maybe a virus. wish her well.
Delayed flights in general are annoying, so I can understand the extra frustration on your part with not knowing the reason for the delays and also with having to entertain a child in the process. Hopefully you can look forward to the new environment though and are able to meet families in a similar situation for extra support. Also sucks that Amy is not feeling well, let's hope she gets better quickly!
ReplyDeleteThe picture above is awesome, Natalie looks as if she is giving the airport personnel an earful. Such a pretty girl, you two are very lucky (as if you don't already know it)!
No fun guys! Amy, I really hope you feel better soon. Parenting is no fun when sick, and neither is travelling, so I don't recommend combining the two! Love the pic of Natalie. I hope things are looking up and that today wasn't too bad... and that you're able to get back on Natalie's sleep schedule (a force not to be reckoned with!).
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear Amy's not feeling well. Traveling sick is about the worst thing ever, but maybe now that you are in a comfy hotel it will be easier. ~~jason
ReplyDeleteBrooke sometimes screams when we change her diaper. Hard to predict those little creatures sometimes. Have a safe trip back.
Sorry that Amy isn't feeling well, hope she recovers quickly. At least you are on the downhill side of coming home. We are anxiously waiting your safe arrival here in the USA. Beautiful Natalie looks quite in control in this picture. Frustration is something that unfortunately goes along with Parenthood. mom