Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Checking in

everything is OK here.  apparently there are some issues with the internet in Glendale, so i don't have access to David's PC and therefore can't get on blogger.  sending this via email.

we are very ready to head home tomorrow.  more about that and other things later.


  1. Have a safe trip home, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a happy, calm, and/or sleeping baby on that long flight. Wishing you all the best in your adjustment at home. Enjoy your family! Lots of love from way over here. Michelle J.

  2. Sorry about the internet thing. It's still down and Comcast can't get someone out her to check it until Monday. I was hoping to borrow the neighbor's WiFi so you least use the VPN but that didn't work either.
