Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Here is what you have been waiting for...Ramblings from a Tired New Mom

Seven years is a long time to be forced to wait to have a family (and I realize that others wait even longer). I can only believe that Stephen and I went through what we did to lead us to this particular child. Our child. And as our sweet girl lies sleeping in her crib now like a little angel, I know we have been blessed. Just a few short months ago, we had no idea when we would ever hear the good news from China. It’s amazing how quickly your life can change for the better.

I was thinking about the upcoming holidays and how completely different they will be this year. The holiday season has been rather depressing the last seven years, but especially the last couple of years. Seeing Natalie’s face in the glow of the Christmas tree lights is something I’ve dreamed about for so long. I hope she loves the holidays as much as I do.

I knew I would be tired as a new parent, but I thought that just maybe there would be days when I had the same level of energy that I used to. The adjustment to our new life has been challenging in many ways, but we are so happy to make it. I no longer have to set my alarm clock, waking up instead to Natalie chattering to herself in her crib. She’ll hear me stir and then look over at me and smile that smile, and we’re off!

We received her official U.S. citizenship certificate recently. You’ll see us posing with it below. It’s pretty cool and was really moving to read. It took me back to when we went to the U.S. Consulate’s office in Guangzhou on our last afternoon in China. We entered the building and when we got to the escalators, that American flag was such a welcome sight after being away from everything familiar for over two weeks (it wasn’t lost on us that we had experienced just a small taste of what changes and challenges Natalie was to face in the near future). We both got teary-eyed as we took the oath for her. I hope that as she grows up she’ll be at peace with what a different path her life has taken.

So we’re trying to decide what Natalie should be for Halloween. Stephen thought she’d make a great Ewok, but he got overruled. I, of course, voted Munchkin; I’m sure we’ll reach a middle ground.

Enjoy the pictures, and maybe it won’t be so long until I post again.

Natalie with two of her cousins.

Just one of the many faces of Natalie.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


yeah, i know already. it has been a while. my plan was to get Amy to make the next post, but not enough people said they wanted to hear from her to get her to post. ok, not really. she is still pretty busy. she claims that there is a light at the end of the tunnel soon.

anyway, i wanted to let people know that we had a our visit to the Shriner's Hospital in Lexington and saw the pediatric orthopedist. he was very pleased with the surgery and with Natalie's progress. he did say that the rate of reoccurance for club foot is about 30% so we still need to be vigilant. they want us to have her wear the brace during the night for as long as she is cool with it or a year if she doesn't complain. Natalie is a trooper though and doesn't really let it get to her. even when she swings it all over the crib. she has even cut back on the whining when it goes on.

we are really looking forward to tomorrow by the way. we are having dinner with some new friends. this couple and their daughter traveled to China about a week ahead of us to add a beautiful young girl to their family as well. this will be the first time Natalie gets to meet her, we hope, new life long friend. it would be really great for the two of them to see each other and to see that there are families out there that look a lot like their own. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


first birthday as a parent. interesting, but not too different just yet. of course, she had no idea that it was my birthday. Amy helped her make a card for me. very sweet.

i did take a video of Natalie playing along with one of her toys. this toy is courtesy of Marty and Kari. thanks you two, she enjoys it much like you said Brooke does. you will see (and sadly hear) me along with her Uncle Jason in this video. Amy and Aunt Leslie are off camera. i know, they should have been on, but what do you do? i have some pictures i will post soon and i promise that Amy will be in at least one.

Jason and Les came down to have dinner with us for my birthday. they brought some Indian food down with them. we can't get that in Glendale (shocker, right?). in order to not offend her other uncle, David, he did take me out to lunch today. way to step up big bros.

in the video, pay attention to her face on the second play of the tune. very cute.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Moving around

here is some more video of Natalie working on her walking. she really is doing so much better. we got this dinosaur (with Tim's persistence) about two weeks ago. when she first started using it she leaned on it too much and it would get ahead of her causing her to fall over and then she would just crawl. as you can see, that is not the case now. the only thing stopping her is the wall or our clutter.

Natalie came to visit me at work yesterday while Amy got some grocery shopping done. btw, it is much more expensive shopping for three than two than one might think. anyway, i think everyone at my office enjoyed seeing Natalie wrap Ba Ba around her finger.

speaking of Amy. Jessica and i had a discussion that she needs to post about her experiences a bit as well as appear in a few more pictures instead of taking all of them. if you agree, then let her know with your comments.

enjoy the video.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Workin' on it.

ok, i know the lighting isn't great but i wanted people to see this. it isn't even a small step for some, but it is a giant leap for Natalie. she isn't quite walking on her own yet, but you can see she is making big strides (so to speak).

Friday, September 3, 2010


come on people, give me a break. i try to get pictures up when i can, but we have been a bit busy lately.

on Wednesday we went to UK to the International Adoptions Clinic to have her looked at. Dr. Taylor said everything looked good. they took A LOT of blood to run a bunch of standard tests. We won't know about those for a couple of weeks. the best news was about her foot. this is the first time we have really had someone with experience in the field look at it and she said it looks great. she thinks they did a great job in Shanghai (thank you Chinese surgeon and Julia and Marvin). she even said that she wouldn't bother with the shoes from now on. so, we aren't using them at all now and trying to strengthen her foot up. we will still see the specialist to see what they recommend (9/20). Natalie also met her first UK basketball player as he was getting some blood drawn as well.

i had to go back to work on Thursday. it went over pretty well. Natalie didn't get to upset (yes, i secretly hoped she would) and neither did i. view the picture below to see my triumphant return.

today she went back to the Peds Dr. here to start some of her immunizations. Amy took her there and while Natalie wasn't a big fan of the shots, she is taking it like a trooper now. the first picture you see is her napping after the rough day.

finally, if she looks a bit chubbier to you it is because she is. she is now 19.10 lbs and 30". She has gained about 2lbs since we got back from China.