Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 days and counting.

that is really the only big news of the day. just three days left until we board the plane to come home.

nothing much went on today. we went to the zoo this morning. just like any other zoo really except for the giant panda. that was pretty cool to see. he was treated like royalty compared to the other animals.

we had a great video call just a little while ago with both grandmothers. skype is a wonderful thing. hope they enjoyed talking with Natalie a bit. they also got to see a bit of her fussy side as the call ran into bath time. i pity the fool who interferes with Natalie's bath time. btw, we just got done with the fussiness at an hour past normal bedtime. way to go grandmas!

just kidding, it had more to do with a messed up nap schedule. i think.


  1. Looks like that elephant is standing on Amy's head.

  2. Sounds like China is the White Mills of Asia.

  3. What time will you be in Louisville?

  4. You guys, it's 3:30 pm EST on 8/11--where's my daily dose of Natalie?

  5. Yes, it is now after 7:00 p.m. and Abigail thinks it's time to eat.
    Are you going to keep this blog going after you get home? We need to stay informed about Natalie's progress!
