Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Get Candy. Get Candy.

i guess i better put some Halloween pictures up, huh? it was a pretty interesting couple of days. i don't think she ever figured out why people were dressed up in costumes, but it didn't take her long to realize she was cute and people would give her lots of candy. candy that she wasn't really supposed to be eating, but Ma Ma apparently slipped her some today. i thought i was going to be the first to break.

on Saturday, a local church offered a trunk or treat for the area kids. it is pretty cool as it is just a condensed version of the Halloweens we all grew up with. it is car to car in a parking lot instead of house to house. she was nervous at first with all the people wearing "weird" outfits, but, as usual, it didn't take her long to warm up. you gotta love this outfit though.

Go Cats!

next came Sunday. we didn't do the typical door to door but wanted to make sure she got the spirit of the holiday and that family got to see her. she loved grabbing items and putting them in her basket. Saturday was my outfit and Sunday was Amy's.

finally, just some pictures of Natalie playing in the leaves. again, she wasn't real sure what to think about this. let's just say the pictures make it look like she enjoyed more than she actually did. thanks for checking out the blog, peeps.


  1. How cute is she? Glad you all are doing well!

  2. very, in my opinion, but i am a bit biased.

    She does keep asking me why you haven't come to see her yet. ;)

  3. Have Natalie's secretary send Olivia's secretary, her December schedule and maybe the two can work something out.

  4. It was awesome to see and play with her on Saturday. She loves walking all over the place and especially likes being held by her uncle J.


  5. I sure do like Amy's costume pick much better than Stephen's.

  6. I love her pics they are so cute and seems like each one tells a story in her own way with her expression's.

    I love her so much and yet I don't get to see her as often as I would like.

    But I bet she "might" walk with Aunti j not just Uncle J
    Thank God eveyday for that little beautiful blessing He has given you.

  7. Hi Stephen and Amy,

    All we can say is that she is absolutely adorable!!

    M & J & Baby JAM xx
