Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leaving soon.

sadly, it isn't to come home. we are flying to the south today to get her visa and citizenship paperwork going. walking through the airport and getting on a plane should be interesting. i guess this will be a trial run for the big flight.

playing with Ba ba.

guess i need to get use to this. she is already trying to get Daddy's money.


  1. I think Mama needs to post something. Thanks for sharing.

  2. With looks like that, it appears she's already got the 'but dad' look down - you're both going to be in trouble. Hope the flight went well!

  3. Stephen & Amy--just 2 words. Holy cuteness. Hope the next leg of the journey goes well. Love, Chris
