Natalie Xue Er Hill

Natalie Xue Er Hill
arriving in KY in August 2010

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Celebrating Life

May brings lots of celebrating around here—Mother’s Day, Natalie’s birthday, Match Day (the day we were matched with Natalie), our wedding anniversary. It’s been an extremely busy month, so all three of us are ready for summer’s slower pace.

I've been wanting to put together a slideshow documenting Natalie’s first five years (can’t believe how quickly this point has arrived!). Not having much to go on to capture her infancy is just part of the deal. We do have some precious photos of her taken during her first 14 months in China, but those belong to her and are not ours to share. While it doesn't encompass everything or everyone and doesn't quite do her justice, I’m sure Natalie will enjoy watching this compilation. I hope you will too. ~ Amy